Saturday, November 04, 2006

Here is Baby Duncan dressed as Yoda for his first Halloween outing...watching the Indianapolis Colts play the Denver Broncos at Knuckles Sports Bar in North Beach. Had to go there because the Raiders were playing and CBS had that game as the principal game for airing in the SF Bay Area. We watched both teams, the Colts and the Raiders, win handily that Sunday!

Baby Duncan was the hit of the bar in his outfit. Of course!
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Here with Mom Amanda!

and with Grandma Claudia

a precious boy!!!

Could this be Dad? Yoda?

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hi Folks!

Baby Duncan and his Mom and Dad (Amanda and Jeff King) came to Grandma's house in Washington DC for a month long visit at the end of August 2006. What a grand time was had by all, especially Grandma Claudia as we simply spent time together and enjoyed watching the boy grow. Here are a few pictures of his progress from infant to baby during that time. And the love shared by all. Uncle Evan joined us for the festivities surrounding Cousin Marian's wedding on 23 September (congratulations again to Marian and Carlo!), and so many friends and family joined us as we celebrated being together.

Here is a photo of the boy on the first morning after his cross country trip from San Francisco. He had no problems flying and this portends good things for all the travels to come. Mom and Dad are a little anxious he will suddenly disappear, having been captured by Grandma Claudia as she takes off to places known and unknown. Life could be worse! But the boy is tough, and the world is his to know.

We are so lucky to have great friends who have shared their love with Baby D. Aunt Susan is a constant guide and support and stands with Grandma C. in loving and caring for the boy. Carolyn and Bruce Ludwig sent one of Baby D's most favorite playthings which he was able to handle even at two months..a lovely silver rattle. It goes so well with the silver spoon from Uncle Blake that offers more than just good nourishment, and the bunny bank from Roni and Jack starting Baby D's personal stash (just like Uncle Evan's EPPF...the Evan Polley Pocket Fund).

There were lots of trips around DC, and a few gatherings at Grandma's house where friends and family gathered for food and fun. Auntie Alvenia came in for the Congressional Black Caucus events and got to meet Baby D. He and she are a hit! New friends all around.

At one, it was especially nice because new friends for Baby D got to know him, all the family and each other just a little bit better. LeLe Bundles, a lifelong friend from Indianapolis and now firmly ensconced here in DC just loves the boy. it's pretty evident he likes her, too!

And new uncles are Jose from New York/now Washington and Wilbur who lives in Santa Fe. Good food and good times were the ticket.

Here are a few more pics from that evening just before the wedding of cousin Marian and her betrothed Carlo Ungaro. It's pretty obvious Marian knows how to be a grandmother!

That evening at Grandma's house and brunch at B Smith's the day after the wedding, Baby D got to meet cousins Zuri (3 years) and Amani (19 months) who will be best buds for a lifetime. Cousin Suriya's girls, they will toughen the boy and teach him how to hang with girls. A valuable lifelong lesson.

That pacifier was going to go in his mouth no matter what!

And the girls had a great time with Uncle Evan and Baby D!

Rehearsal Dinner

We gathered for the wedding of Marian Douglas and Carlo Ungaro and here are a few photos from the Douglas/Polley/King family all together.

The Douglas clan (in part)

Barbara Jean, Joe, Marian, Carlo

Uncle Joe

Zuri the beautiful flower girl

Evan, Amanda, Jeff and John

Aunt Edna (mother of the bride) and Carlo

Marie Ann

Evan, John and Uncle Joe (father of the bride!)

...and this is Baby Duncan just before he returned home to San Francisco. What a big boy!